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InvivoPlay is launched!

I wanted to share some exciting news with you.  I have recently partnered with an amazing team in Sweden who have just launched an on-line coaching game InvivoPlay.  I am one of a handful of international life coaches chosen to feature on  and contribute to the InvivoPlay website and phone apps.

InvivoPlay is a social, digital Life Coach based on the science of positive psychology, designed to influence and improve your life.

Expert Coaches give advice and users sign up for challenges to learn the secrets of personal empowerment and well-being in their real lives. It’s fun, it’s contemporary, it’s interactive and it brings real results.

Commit to your self-improvement by completing the challenges and post your success on the site, where you can interact with me, your Coach. You can get your friends to join in too!


Click this link and select  Gillian Skeer – Master Coach NLP as your on-line Coach and start improving your life today… with a fun approach!


Gillian Skeer (22 Posts)

Love to be coached by Gillian Skeer? Contact With over 25 years’ experience in an extensive range of people and business management, coaching, business development, public relations and marketing roles Gillian Skeer, Master Coach NLP is dedicated to delivering specialist expertise and quality client service. Gillian Skeer is a professional Success & Life Coach in Perth Western Australia offering exclusive, elite coaching services. She is passionately committed to helping her clients reach their full potential in every aspect of their lives, eg personal, health, mindset, career, relationships or finances. Let's connect on social media.



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