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Give me Clarity!


Ever lay awake at night, staring at the ceiling and wondered where your life is going? What’s your purpose? Feeling uninspired with what you’re doing? Are you on a path that is congruent with whom you really are?

All of us, at some point in our lives, question where we are at. And this would make sense, wouldn’t it? The person you are at twenty is different to the person you are at thirty, and different to the person you are at forty, fifty, sixty and so on.

And it’s a good thing to periodically question our direction in life and if we are being congruent with whom we inherently are.

For years we may have run patterns of beliefs about what we think we should be doing, and then we hit a point where we realise that these beliefs are no longer a good fit for us. And maybe they never were.

I regularly hear new clients say “I don’t have any direction”, “I’m just not happy with what I’m doing”, “I’m not sure what I want anymore”, “I’m on a treadmill”, “I feel stuck”, “I don’t know who I am”.

We can all face these kind of challenges, so it’s reassuring to know that there are empowering resources to assist us.

Life coaching will help you understand why you find yourself in your current situation and more importantly empower you with strategies designed to give you clarity, direction and a sense of purpose.
Behavioural profiling is one tool that is extremely useful in gaining clarity about your personal and professional behavioural styles. A series of questions can quickly and easily provide you with clarity and certainty about your best “fit” on life’s journey.

Knowing your behavioural style can enable you to improve your performance and find direction in your life and business.

You’ll discover the areas that are most natural to you that will allow you to appreciate your inherent strengths, your best areas for development, the most suitable career options for you and the areas where you can most easily and effortlessly create success and personal enjoyment. Imagine that!

This knowledge can be life-changing!

Want to get clearer on your unique behavioural profile? Master Coach Gillian Skeer is an Internationally Accredited Extended DISC® Consultant and will work directly with individuals and teams to assess your profile. This profile is one of the most validated behavioural tools in the world, and your behavioural style directly relates to your ability to improve your performance and create wealth and abundance in your own life and business.

Gillian Skeer (22 Posts)

Love to be coached by Gillian Skeer? Contact With over 25 years’ experience in an extensive range of people and business management, coaching, business development, public relations and marketing roles Gillian Skeer, Master Coach NLP is dedicated to delivering specialist expertise and quality client service. Gillian Skeer is a professional Success & Life Coach in Perth Western Australia offering exclusive, elite coaching services. She is passionately committed to helping her clients reach their full potential in every aspect of their lives, eg personal, health, mindset, career, relationships or finances. Let's connect on social media.



  1. This is so true! It’s great to know yourself and what makes you happy 🙂

  2. I think that it is very healthy and even necessary to ask yourself this question at some point in your life. But the problem is when it cripples you with fear, and you stay stuck and do nothing.

  3. I often lay awake at night wondering where my life is going.. but only because I know it’s going to be awesome 😉

  4. One must come to a point of self believing and self knowing.

  5. It is so important to have a positive attitude and it makes everything else possible.:) I am a very happy person and always see the positive side of things! 🙂

  6. It’s common to question which direction you are going in life and whether it’s best for you. It’s great to know that there are resources to help you find the right track!

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