Was there part of you running around inside your mind setting booby traps to slow you down? Leaving land mines, setting ambushes, blowing up your own bridges, flattening your own tires, emptying your own bank accounts, spreading lies and rumours about you?
Better catch that little saboteur before she does any more damage – better catch her and convert her to your side.
It’s worth the effort to get congruent.”
(from The One Minute Millionaire, Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen 2002)
Gillian Skeer (22 Posts)Love to be coached by Gillian Skeer? Contact gillskeer@creativecoach.co
With over 25 years’ experience in an extensive range of people and business management, coaching, business development, public relations and marketing roles Gillian Skeer, Master Coach NLP is dedicated to delivering specialist expertise and quality client service.
Gillian Skeer is a professional Success & Life Coach in Perth Western Australia offering exclusive, elite coaching services. She is passionately committed to helping her clients reach their full potential in every aspect of their lives, eg personal, health, mindset, career, relationships or finances.
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