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How’s your Christmas Spirit?

Here are some tips from Master Life & Success Coach Gillian Skeer on how you can make your festive season a positive experience.

Shift that stress: There’s no doubt that stress creeps into most people’s Christmas. If you’re stressed, you’re out of your comfort zone – with either overload on your time, energy, finances or new things to do which fall beyond you usual scope.  Delegate tasks to willing and reliable helpers, while you focus on the things that you are best at.

Prioritise your life accordingly: So many things to do, so little time to do them. Some things you just might have to say “No” to, and that’s okay.  Establish what’s important and design your Christmas around that.

Togetherness: Togetherness at this time of year heals wounds and honours our connectedness. Don’t underestimate the power of the experience. Be around people and share in the spirit of Christmas.

Give: Let’s face truly is the time for giving, and it’s not just about the gift-wrapped kind.   Give of yourself and experience the real joy of giving. A smile, a kind word, a compliment, a random act of kindness can say, and mean, so much.

Create atmosphere: Go for it! Decorations, music, lighting, all make for a joyous celebration. Add your own special touches. Team up and have fun preparing it all.

Invest in those you love: Honour those that mean most to you. With all expectations thrown out the window, just take that special moment to tell those closest to you how much they mean to your life.

Good neighbours: Check in on those who aren’t so fortunate as to have family around them at Christmas. Loneliness and isolation can make Christmas a time of dread. Reach out and show someone they matter.

Warmer weather: If you live in the southern hemisphere, take advantage of the warm weather – go alfresco for Christmas lunch, or picnic at the beach. Take shade and keep cool.

Joy in children: What raises our spirits more than wide-eyed excited children eagerly opening their gifts?  Take a leaf out of their book and join in the fun!

Gillian Skeer is The Change Agent – a passionate, expert Master Life & Success Coach, Master Coach NLP, Instructor, Motivational Speaker, Author and Published on-line columnist – inspiring you to be the best that you can be!   CONNECT WITH ME on Facebook at Creative Coaching Solutions – Gillian Skeer Master Coach NLP   and at

Gillian Skeer (22 Posts)

Love to be coached by Gillian Skeer? Contact With over 25 years’ experience in an extensive range of people and business management, coaching, business development, public relations and marketing roles Gillian Skeer, Master Coach NLP is dedicated to delivering specialist expertise and quality client service. Gillian Skeer is a professional Success & Life Coach in Perth Western Australia offering exclusive, elite coaching services. She is passionately committed to helping her clients reach their full potential in every aspect of their lives, eg personal, health, mindset, career, relationships or finances. Let's connect on social media.



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