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Posts Tagged coaches Perth

Setting Success Goals

To achieve change and success it is vital to have a purpose or a desired outcome; to establish where you are now in life and where you want to be in the future. Many people don’t consciously plan for what they want in the future and may meander aimlessly through life.

Though if you really want to progress at some level of your life you’d be wise to have a construct in your mind of what that would be for you.

So, know your outcome: What is it that you really, really want to achieve?

What are you passionate about?

What is it in life that’s important to you? It might be a personal thing; it might be to improve your relationship; it might be to have a better career; it might be to improve your financial situation; it might be to have more spare time on your hands. Whatever it is for you, be very clear and very specific about what it is you want – what is success to you?

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Living and giving

If there is a part of you that’s wondering about your legacy to this world, the very fortunate thing for humanity is that you are not alone.

World Vision, Brazil

The world is full of amazing, resourceful, giving people who find a sense of purpose in giving back and making a difference to their world.  Their contribution may be large or small; it may be financial or in-kind; it may change the life of one person, or the lives of many; it can be fleeting or have long-lasting effects.  Whatever the contribution, it changes lives.

Contribution is one of our human needs and can provide a sense of serving a greater purpose. Where contribution is one of someone’s highest human needs, one might feel incomplete without going beyond one’s own needs and giving to someone or something beyond themselves.  The spiritual bond of giving beyond oneself provides a sense of connection, thus meeting another human need. It may also fulfil the human needs for certainty, significance, variety and growth.

I love that I get to share time with so many inspiring people and to hear wonderful stories about their unique legacies.  And I am just so fortunate to be in my own business where the very essence of my work is about helping others to a greater level of empowerment.
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Just what is NLP?

 Just what is NLP?  Here’s a snapshot

Life Coach Perth

You’ve likely heard about it.  You might even be curious about what it can do for you.  NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programing and it’s one of the amazing tools I have in my coaching toolbox.

NLP explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of behaviour and emotion (programs).

NLP allows us to study of how we structure our thinking, how we react to our environment, how we experience situations that we encounter, as well as how we communicate to others and ourselves. With the use of NLP we can map our thinking, behaviour and communication and the strategies behind them.

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Listen up!

Do you ever feel like people are talking at you, but not really listening to you? It can be frustrating can’t it? We all like to feel that we are being heard.

That’s why listening is an important part of communication.  And the better your communication, the better your relationships.

Being a good listener shows that you care for, and can empathise with, the other person.  It tells them they can build trust and rapport with you.   In turn, they will feel valued, appreciated and worthy of your time and focus.

Improve your listening, and you’ll improve your communication.
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What’s really ME?

Do you ever feel like you are wearing a mask?

Do you feel that what you are showing the world is not the real you? Do you feel like you are playing a role in the performance of life that doesn’t quite fit with who you really are?

Amazingly, most people don’t stop to ask themselves the basic questions:

Am I fulfilling my purpose?

Am I fully utilising my skills?

Am I inspired by what I do?
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Planning your life in Reverse?

The thought of having to make plans for the future can, for some, be a tiresome, and possibly daunting one. So let’s turn that around and have some fun with it. What if you were to approach your life plan from another perspective, in a way that’s more fun and very powerful?

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it…


The idea is to plan your life from an age in the future, and work backwards to now.  You see, some of us often don’t know what we want in the short-term, medium-term or even long-term, and just thinking about it can be a bit overwhelming.
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The Fork in the Road

I ventured across this literal fork in the road on a recent trip to Adelaide, South Australia.

This image perfectly illustrates the fork in the road metaphor that we use when we are at the crossroads, or a point of indecision in our lives.

Imagine you are standing at a fork in the road of life. One direction, leads you to a particular outcome, and the other direction leads you to another.

We’ve all had to face that fork in the road at some time in our lives, haven’t we?  You might be facing one now.
As you stand at a fork in the road in life, you might be excited by new opportunities, motivated to new levels of achievement and energized by the possibilities.  However, you also might feel a sense of overwhelm, experience a fear of failure or become befuddled by procrastination.
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Think Right To Achieve

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If I can help you change your life

Achieving Through Change